2 pilots on recycling food waste [News]

March 12, 2015 by  
Filed under Blog

By Siau Ming En, TODAY, 11 Mar 2015

Two pilots on food waste recycling will be conducted to improve the management and recycling of such waste, said Second Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Grace Fu today (March 11).

The first pilot involving two hawker centres will try out different on-site recycling models. Each hawker centre will have an on-site recycling machine to convert segregated food waste and leftover food to water or compost, said the National Environment Agency (NEA). Stallholders and table-cleaners will be taught the proper methods of segregating food waste, it added.

Click here to read the full article

Source: TODAY

Insights on Food Waste in Singapore

July 29, 2014 by  
Filed under Blog

food waste in bin centre

We have been running the Save Food Cut Waste campaign since Nov 2012. There is now more awareness about food waste in Singapore and we have been getting several enquiries from the public who are concerned about food waste.

To address some of the concerns on food waste, let’s take a closer look at food waste generated, the causes, ways to reduce food waste, key barriers, and our proposed action plan to tackle food waste.

Food Waste in Singapore

Over the last 10 years, the amount of food waste generated in Singapore has increased by 45%. In 2013, the amount of food waste generated reached an all-time high of 796,000 tonnes and only 13% of it was recycled. Read more