Majority Of Consumers Are Concerned About Food Waste From F&B Companies In Singapore [Media Release]
August 5, 2015 by Save Food Cut Waste
Filed under Blog
– 90% of consumers are concerned about the food waste generated by F&B companies
– 95% of consumers want F&B companies to do more to reduce food waste
– Consumers are willing to support F&B companies which adopt strategies to reduce food waste
Singapore, 5 Aug 2015 – Majority of consumers are concerned about food waste generated by food and beverage (F&B) companies and would encourage and support the companies to reduce food waste, according to a recent survey conducted to understand consumer attitudes toward food waste generated by the F&B sector in Singapore. The study was conducted from Feb to Apr this year by the students under the Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Programme from the National University of Singapore, in partnership with the new non-profit organisation, Zero Waste SG.
According to the National Environment Agency, about 790,000 tonnes of food waste was generated in Singapore in 2014 and only 13% of this waste is recycled. Consumers can reduce food waste on an individual level, but can also play an important role in advocating for greater efforts and best practices in food waste reduction by the F&B sector. With this premise, the study aims to understand consumers’ attitude towards food waste and how they hope F&B companies (including retail shops selling food; bakeries; cafes; restaurants; food courts; canteens; hawker centres; markets; supermarkets; and caterers) can contribute to the reduction of food waste. Read more
NTUC FairPrice takes the lead to measure and reduce food waste
May 28, 2015 by Save Food Cut Waste
Filed under Blog
NTUC FairPrice is taking the first steps to measure and reduce food waste in its supermarkets. So far, FairPrice is the only supermarket retailer that has publicly commit to food waste reduction efforts, and this leadership is something that the other supermarket retailers need to follow.
After two years of consultative study under its Food Waste Framework, FairPrice today announced a Food Waste Index to track and sustain food waste reduction efforts, which is a first in the Singapore supermarket industry. The Food Waste Index measures the annual total food waste against the total retail space of all FairPrice stores, and will enable FairPrice to track its progress on various food waste reduction initiatives. Read more