Crepes with Fresh Orange and Apple Segment and Croutons

December 14, 2016 by  
Filed under Bread, Fruits, Recipes

Crepes with Fresh Orange and Apple Segment and Croutons

If you have excess white bread, oranges and apples at home, use this recipe to turn them into a delicious crepe dish!

This recipe is developed by Pamela Low and Marcus Tan, Pastry and Baking students from ITE College West.

Number of Servings: 4

Preparation and Cooking Time: 2 hours



  • Eggs – 2 nos.
  • Cake Flour – 50 g
  • Sugar – 20 g
  • Salt – 1 g
  • Lemon Zest – 1 no.
  • Orange Zest – 1 no.
  • Milk – 200 ml
  • Butter (Melted) – 20 g

Orange Butter Sauce

  • Excess Orange – 2 nos.
  • Lemon – 1 no.
  • Sugar – 170 g
  • Butter – 170 g
  • Grand Marnier – 120 g

Vanilla Sponge

  • Vanilla Spongemix – 80 g
  • Eggs – 100 g
  • Water – 19 ml
  • Corn Oil – 22 ml
  • Orange Zest – 1/2 no.
  • Orange Compound – 5 g


  • Sugar – 100 g
  • Water – 30 ml

Pastry Cream

  • Milk – 100 ml
  • Sugar – 30 g
  • Yolk – 30 g
  • Corn flour – 5 g
  • Custard Powder – 3 g
  • Van Essence – 2 g
  • Butter – 5 g
  • Cream (Whipped) – 88 ml


  • Excess White Bread – 2 nos.
  • Butter (Melted) – 20 g
  • Sugar – 10 g

Vanilla Ice-cream

  • Milk – 175 ml
  • Cream – 175 ml
  • Vanilla – 2 g
  • Sugar (1) – 60 g
  • Glucose – 35 g
  • Yolk – 73 g
  • Sugar (2) – 10 g

*Orange segments and apples



  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Whisk all the ingredients together except the lemon and orange zest.
  3. Sift the mixture and add in the orange and lemon zest.
  4. Cook under non-stick pan.

Orange Butter Sauce

  1. Abstract the zest from both orange and lemon.
  2. Use the zest and mix with the room temperature butter. Set aside.
  3. Abstract the juice from the orange and lemon.
  4. Bring juices to a boil with the sugar and butter previously set aside.
  5. Flambé the sauce with Grand Marnier.

Vanilla Sponge

  1. Whisk all the ingredients (except corn oil, orange zest and orange compound) under medium high speed for 8 minutes.
  2. Fold in the corn oil, orange zest and orange compound lightly and evenly.
  3. Bring to bake at 180 degree Celsius for 30 minutes or till golden brown.


  1. Boil the sugar and water till caramel stage.
  2. Chill it till the desired consistency to make spun sugar on the wooden spoon using fork.

Pastry Cream

  1. Bring the milk, sugar, vanilla essence to boil.
  2. Mix the yolk, corn flour, custard powder well.
  3. Pour the hot liquid over to the yolk paste and temper it.
  4. Bring it back to heat and cook till thicken. Allow to cool and add in butter. Chill pastry cream in chiller.
  5. Fold in whipped cream into chilled pastry cream.


  1. Brush the bread with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Bring to bake at 180 degree Celsius till golden brown.

Vanilla Ice-cream

  1. Bring all the ingredients to boil except yolk and sugar (2).
  2. Temper the yolk and sugar (2) with the boiling mixture.
  3. Bring back to heat and cook till desired thickness.
  4. Chill and bring to churn in the ice cream machine.

Crepes with Fresh Orange and Apple Segment and Croutons - Students

Food Safety

Follow these food safety tips from AVA on storing cooked food to reduce the risk of food poisoning from contaminated cooked food:

  • All cooked food should be refrigerated or frozen within 2 hours after cooking.
  • Store cooked food in a clean, shallow container.
  • Use shallow containers and leave sufficient air space around the food to promote rapid and even cooling. Cooked food stored in large, deep containers remain warm for a longer time. Dangerous bacteria may grow in this warm spot which can lead to food poisoning if consumed.
  • When freezing cooked food, make sure they are wrapped tightly.
  • Keep your refrigerator uncluttered so that air can circulate and cool food properly.
  • Do not refreeze frozen food that have been thawed.
  • As a general rule, do not keep cooked food for more than 4 days.

Source: AVA


We assume no responsibility or liability for any damages or losses you may experience as a result of following the recipes, instruction or advice on this website.


Zero Waste SG and ITE have the rights to use the recipes and photos for our websites, publications, activities, and for other purposes.